NEO & TNO (Move to Minor Planet data)

  • [ TNOs list at the time of 2017 October ]

  • [ TNOs list at the time of 2016 August ]

  • [ TNOs list at the time of 2013 September ]

  • [ Distribution of semi-major axis of Comet (origin 1/a) 2017 ]

  • [ Distribution of semi-major axis of TNOs & Comet (future 1/a) 2017 ]

  • [ NEOs list at the time of 2011 October ]

  • [ TNOs list at the time of 2011 October ]

  • [ NEOs list at the time of 2010 September ]

  • [ TNOs list at the time of 2011 October ]

  • [ Large TNOs list ]

  • [ TNOs list at the time of 2010 September ]

    Daily Positions during the Month [Service stopped]

    The daily positions are computed from the orbits of all numbered planets, all multiple opposition objects, one opposition objects where the arc exceeds 60 days, NEOs (including perturbations) and recent one opposition objects including recent NEOs. The Table contains all these planets whose elongations are greater than 90 deg. at the date and magnitudes are brighter than 18.5 in question. The ^^ ^^^^ number of planets mentioned in a Table is approximately 6,000 or more, so that the capacity of a file exceeds 800 Kbytes. The positions are computed from the recent orbits on MPCs and are at the time of 15h TT ( = 0h JST on the next day). Also this Table are prepared for Super Nova hunters. They can check for thier candidate whether asteroid lacates around target galaxy or not. No Japanese characters included. The top two lines are composed as follows:
      (1)          (2)             (3)             (4)              (5)        (6)
              1998  9 12.625  1998  9 13.625  1998  9 14.625  For Center Date  Dis.
    Asteroid  R.A.(2000)Decl. R.A.(2000)Decl. R.A.(2000)Decl. delta  r     V   Code
    (1)      ..... Planet number or designation.
    Column 8 ..... If Asterisk "*" is put in column 8, planet is NEO (q is smaller
                   than 1.35 AU).
    Column 9 ..... If "1" is put in column 9, positions are computed from a one
                   opposition orbit.  Although this orbit is determined from a 60 day
                   arc or more (for the usual planets), the position of these planets,
                   except objects observed (discovered) at the present opposition, is
                   quite uncertain and can be 0.3 deg. or more.
                   For NEOs with "*1" in columns 8-9, the positions are particularly
                   uncertain, except for objects observed (discovered) at the present
    (2)(3)(4)..... Positions for three days.
    (5)      ..... Delta = Distance between object and Earth.
                   r     = Distance between object and Sun.
                   V     = V Magnitude.
    (6)      ..... Code number of observatory where object was discovered;
                   omitted for numbered minor planets.

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