OAA computing section circular NK 1023 104P/Kowal 2 = Boethin's Comet in 1973

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 106 observations 1973 to 1992, including planetary perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and non-gravitational effect of style II. The mean residual is +/- 2.01 arc seconds. The object in 1973 was visual discovery with roughly positions by L. Boethin (See IAUC 8255, also orbits in NK 509, NK 621, NK 784 and 960). Epoch = 1972 July 22.0 TT T = 1972 Aug. 4.88468 +/- 0.00090 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 189.26185 +/- 0.00091 Node = 247.94301 +/- 0.00043 (2000.0) Inc. = 15.77441 +/- 0.00019 q = 1.5276249 +/- 0.0000133 AU e = 0.5591511 +/- 0.0000179 a = 3.4651893 +/- 0.0000421 AU n' = 0.15279658 +/- 0.00000283 P = 6.450 +/- 0.0001172 years A1 = -2.698 +/- 0.288 A2 = +0.12978 +/- 0.11157 (+/- 0.04 day) T = 1979 Jan. 13.69645 TT Epoch = 1979 Jan. 7.0 TT Peri. = 189.32759 e = 0.5605018 Node = 247.91830 (2000.0) a = 3.4579244 AU Inc. = 15.79693 n'= 0.15327836 q = 1.5197515 AU P = 6.430 years [ T = 1985 June 11.13770 TT Epoch = 1985 June 24.0 TT Peri. = 189.38528 e = 0.5637235 Node = 247.84995 (2000.0) a = 3.4458195 AU Inc. = 15.82286 n'= 0.15408675 q = 1.5033301 AU P = 6.396 years ] T = 1991 Nov. 4.42409 TT Epoch = 1991 Oct. 31.0 TT Peri. = 189.54736 e = 0.5643256 Node = 247.78569 (2000.0) a = 3.4422679 AU Inc. = 15.82960 n'= 0.15432528 q = 1.4997080 AU P = 6.387 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 1973/ 911216 897 0.1+ 0.9+ 920104 411 0.1- 0.2- 730111 500 11.8- 86.0- X 911217 372 2.6- 0.2+ 920104 411 0.5+ 0.8+ 730112 500 11.5- 11.3- X 911217 372 1.6- 0.6+ 920104 411 1.7- 0.5- 730113 500 15.4+ 49.4+ X 911217 372 1.2- 0.7+ 920104 411 0.2+ 0.1- 1979/ 911217 372 (3.6- 0.3-) 920104 411 1.0- 0.6- 790127 675 (3.0+ 3.7+) 911218 411 1.4- 0.3+ 920104 411 0.1+ 1.1- 790128 675 (0.8- 4.0+) 911218 411 0.8+ 0.4+ 920106 801 0.5- 0.6- 790129 675 (0.2+ 4.6+) 911218 411 0.9- 2.0+ 920106 801 1.0+ 0.5- 790201 372 (2.7- 5.1+) 911218 411 0.6+ 1.1+ 920107 657 1.2+ 1.3- 790201 372 1.1- 3.0+ 911218 411 (2.8- 1.8+) 920107 657 1.8+ 0.8- 790216 372 (4.0+ 4.5+) 911218 411 2.5- 1.3+ 920107 657 1.9+ 0.9- 790216 323 1.7+ 0.7+ 911219 411 (0.4- 4.1+) 920110 411 0.3- 1.2+ 790222 323 0.4+ 0.6+ 911219 411 0.6- 0.6+ 920110 411 1.0- 2.0+ 790223 801 0.2- 0.2- 911219 411 2.4- 0.7- 920110 411 0.7+ 0.6+ 790226 323 2.8- 1.1- 911219 411 0.2+ 0.5- 920205 801 0.3+ 0.0 790227 372 1.3- 1.8- Y 911219 411 0.5+ 0.3- 920205 801 0.2+ 0.0 790228 372 1.8+ 0.8- 911221 413 1.3+ 0.9- 920207 801 0.5+ 0.4- 790301 675 1.2+ 1.1- 911221 413 1.5+ 1.1- 920207 801 0.4+ 0.5- 790318 323 0.2+ 1.6+ 911229 372 0.3+ 0.2- 920207 658 0.3- 1.7- 790321 372 (0.6+ 4.9-) 911229 372 0.3- 1.5- 920207 658 0.7- 0.5- 790321 372 (1.3+ 4.8-) 911230 411 0.4+ 0.7+ 920210 897 0.0 0.1+ 790323 675 (1.7+ 3.7-) 911230 411 0.3+ 2.3+ 920222 411 0.9+ 0.5- 790328 801(10.3- 2.1-) 911230 411 1.0- 0.7+ 920222 411 1.1+ 0.2- 1991/ 911230 411 0.0 0.2- 920222 411 0.2+ 0.0 911212 875 1.6- 1.8- 911230 411 (0.8- 2.8+) 920222 411 0.4+ 0.6- 911213 875 0.1- 1.3- 911230 411 1.0+ 0.6+ 920301 801 1.0+ 1.5+ 911213 875 (2.8- 3.8-) 911230 372 0.3- 1.9- 920301 801 0.8+ 2.1+ 911213 875 1.3- 1.2- 1992/ 920306 411 1.3- 2.2+ 911215 411 1.0- 1.3+ 920101 801 1.6+ 1.2- 920312 658 1.3- 0.3+ 911215 411 0.6+ 2.3- 920101 801 0.8- 0.3- 920312 658 1.2- 0.4+ 911215 411 (3.5- 0.1+) 920102 411 0.1+ 0.9+ 920312 658 1.4- 0.4+ 911215 411 1.3- 1.8- 920102 411 1.1+ 1.4+ 920313 658 0.9- 0.4+ 911215 411 1.1+ 0.8- 920102 411 0.9+ 0.6+ 920313 658 0.8- 0.4+ 911216 381 1.4+ 0.1- 920102 411 0.5- 0.2+ 920313 658 0.8- 0.6+ 911216 896 (3.2- 2.7-) 920102 411 0.1+ 1.7+ 920322 897 0.7- 1.3- 911216 896 (2.8- 0.1+) 920102 411 1.1+ 0.3+ 920322 411 0.0 0.5- 911216 411 1.0- 1.5- 920102 897 1.2+ 0.7+ 920322 411 0.2+ 0.5+ 911216 896 (2.6+ 9.1-) 920102 897 1.8+ 1.7- 920322 897 0.7+ 0.6- 911216 411 (3.6- 2.5+) 920103 372 0.6- 0.0 920322 411 0.2+ 0.4+ 911216 897 1.6+ 0.8- 920103 372 0.7- 1.6+ 920401 801 0.5+ 0.3+ 911216 411 2.3- 0.5- 920104 373 1.7+ 0.4- 920401 801 0.1- 0.1+ 911216 411 1.1- 1.2- 920104 373 1.4+ 0.3- 920430 801 0.2- 0.1+ 911216 411 1.2- 0.9+ 920104 411 1.5+ 0.2+ 920430 801 0.2+ 1.2- ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Director, Computing Section Syuichi Nakano 2003 Dec. 16

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