Nakano Note (Nakano wa Kangaeru noda) NK 2977 P/2015 A1 (PANSTARRS)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 47 observations 2015 Jan. 8 to July 10. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.39 arc second. Epoch = 2015 Feb. 27.0 TT T = 2015 Mar. 13.04923 +/- 0.00145 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 244.87593 +/- 0.00060 Node = 341.08692 +/- 0.00025 (2000.0) Inc. = 80.36640 +/- 0.00017 q = 1.9955379 +/- 0.0000097 AU e = 0.9009270 +/- 0.0000319 a = 20.1420918 +/- 0.0003230 AU n' = 0.01090303 +/- 0.00000026 P = 90.398 +/- 0.0021761 years (+/- 0.79 day) The predicted orbit for the 2105 return is as follows: T = 2105 May 28.72255 TT Epoch = 2105 May 26.0 TT Peri. = 244.88431 e = 0.9011100 Node = 341.14787 (2000.0) a = 20.1207808 AU Inc. = 80.39513 n'= 0.01092036 q = 1.9897450 AU P = 90.254 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2015/ 150111 W96 0.3- 0.1+ 150221 W96 0.0 0.4- 150108 F51 0.1+ 0.0 150112 K92 0.2- 0.0 150221 W96 0.2+ 0.3+ 150108 F51 0.2+ 0.1- 150112 K92 0.1- 0.2+ 150318 474 0.5- 0.3- 150108 F51 0.0 0.1- 150112 K92 0.2- 0.1+ 150318 474 1.4- 0.3+ 150108 F51 0.0 0.0 150114 807 0.1- 0.1+ 150318 474 1.2- 0.0 150110 807 0.3- 0.2- 150114 807 0.1+ 0.1+ 150318 474 0.8- 0.2- 150110 807 0.3- 0.1+ 150114 807 0.2- 0.4+ 150325 Q62 0.3+ 0.1- 150110 807 0.1- 0.0 150116 474 0.0 0.1+ 150325 Q62 0.5+ 0.0 150110 F51 0.0 0.0 150116 474 0.2- 0.3+ 150325 Q62 0.5+ 0.1+ 150110 F51 0.0 0.3+ 150116 474 0.1+ 0.1- 150401 W96 0.5+ 0.2- 150110 F51 0.1+ 0.4- 150116 474 0.6- 0.5+ 150401 W96 0.2+ 0.3+ 150111 807 0.3- 0.2+ 150116 Q62 0.1+ 0.4+ 150514 W96 0.1+ 0.1+ 150111 807 0.6- 0.5+ 150116 Q62 0.1+ 0.5+ 150514 W96 1.0+ 0.6- 150111 807 0.2- 0.4+ 150116 Q62 0.2+ 0.4+ 150710 474 0.0 0.0 150111 W96 0.9- 0.8+ 150131 Q62 0.3+ 0.5+ 150710 474 0.1- 0.3- 150111 W96 1.1- 0.2- 150131 Q62 0.0 0.4+ 150710 474 0.1- 0.5+ ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Associate of the CBAT Syuichi Nakano 2015 July 30

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