Nakano Note (Nakano wa Kangaeru noda) NK 3864 A/2018 V3

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 81 observations 2018 Nov. 2 to 2019 Aug. 1. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.27 arc second. The object will pass 0.37 AU from the Earth on 2019 Aug. 18.8 and 3.75 AU from Jupiter on 2019 Nov. 9 UT. See an orbit in HICQ 2018. Epoch = 2019 Aug. 25.0 TT T = 2019 Sept. 8.69966 +/- 0.00033 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 3.50029 +/- 0.00012 Node = 308.65545 +/- 0.00007 (2000.0) Inc. = 164.97712 +/- 0.00001 q = 1.3395028 +/- 0.0000045 AU e = 0.9890008 +/- 0.0000016 1/a = +0.0082114 +/- 0.0000012 1/AU origin = +0.008553 (Q= 8) future = +0.008269 The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2018/ 181116 033 0.4+ 0.4+ 181129 691 0.1- 0.2+ 181102 F52 0.2- 0.0 181116 033 0.0 0.1+ 181129 691 0.4- 0.1- 181102 F52 0.1- 0.1- 181116 033 0.4+ 0.3+ 181129 691 0.7- 0.5+ 181102 F52 0.2- 0.1- 181116 291 0.3- 0.1+ 181129 I52 0.5- 0.5- 181112 F52 0.0 0.1- 181116 291 0.2- 0.1+ 181129 I52 0.1- 0.3- 181112 F52 0.1+ 0.1+ 181116 291 0.2- 0.2+ 181129 I52 0.1+ 0.0 181112 F52 0.1- 0.2+ 181116 I52 (2.1+ 0.6+) 181129 I52 0.1+ 0.4- 181113 568 0.1+ 0.0 181116 I52 0.1+ 0.1+ 181130 Q62 0.1+ 0.2- 181113 568 0.1+ 0.0 181116 I52 0.1+ 0.1- 181130 Q62 0.1+ 0.1+ 181113 568 0.1+ 0.0 181117 I52 1.3- 0.2+ 181130 Q62 0.1- 0.3- 181113 568 0.1+ 0.0 181117 I52 0.5+ 0.0 181208 461 0.1- 0.3+ 181114 734 0.3- 0.1+ 181117 I52 0.3- 0.5- 181208 461 0.0 0.1+ 181114 734 0.0 0.0 181118 695 0.1- 0.3+ 181208 461 0.3- 0.0 181114 734 0.0 0.2- 181118 695 0.2- 0.4+ 2019/ 181114 291 0.4- 0.3+ 181118 695 0.2- 0.3+ 190106 568 0.0 0.0 181114 291 0.6- 0.1+ 181120 807 0.2- 0.1+ 190106 568 0.0 0.0 181114 291 0.6- 0.0 181120 807 0.0 0.2+ 190106 568 0.0 0.0 181114 L01 0.1+ 0.0 181120 807 0.3+ 0.3+ 190630 Q62 0.5- 0.1+ 181114 L01 0.3+ 0.0 181127 807 0.0 0.2+ 190630 Q62 0.3- 0.2+ 181115 L01 0.6+ 0.3- 181127 807 0.4- 0.2- 190630 Q62 0.6- 0.3+ 181115 568 0.1+ 0.0 181127 I52 0.2+ 0.2+ 190719 Q62 0.2- 0.0 181115 568 0.1+ 0.0 181127 I52 0.0 0.1- 190719 Q62 0.0 0.1- 181115 568 0.1+ 0.0 181127 I52 0.5+ 0.7- 190719 Q62 0.2- 0.3- 181115 033 0.2+ 0.2+ 181127 I52 0.3+ 0.4- 190727 Q62 0.4+ 0.4+ 181115 033 0.1+ 0.3- 181128 I52 0.0 0.1- 190727 Q62 0.4+ 0.4+ 181115 033 0.3+ 0.0 181128 I52 0.1+ 0.2- 190801 D95 0.3+ 0.1- 181115 033 0.3- 0.5- 181128 I52 0.1+ 0.3- 190801 D95 0.4- 0.3- 181115 033 0.2- 0.2- 181128 I52 0.2+ 0.1+ 190801 D95 0.1+ 0.2- ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Associate of the CBAT Syuichi Nakano 2019 Aug. 5

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