OAA computing section circular NK 779 P/1978 R1 (Haneda-Campos)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 48 observations 1978 July 30 to 1978 Nov. 29. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 1.08 arc seconds. See a prediction on NK 617. Epoch = 1978 Oct. 19.0 TT T = 1978 Oct. 9.49629 +/- 0.00009 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 240.47879 +/- 0.00025 Node = 132.24228 +/- 0.00029 (2000.0) Inc. = 5.94636 +/- 0.00022 q = 1.1014108 +/- 0.0000047 AU e = 0.6652517 +/- 0.0000341 a = 3.2902654 +/- 0.0001019 AU n' = 0.16514205 +/- 0.00000767 P = 5.968 +/- 0.0002774 years (+/- 0.10 day) The predicted orbit for the 2004 return is as follows: T = 2004 Jan. 10.27784 TT Epoch = 2003 Dec. 27.0 TT Peri. = 307.10681 e = 0.6306535 Node = 66.58839 (2000.0) a = 3.4501743 AU Inc. = 4.94362 n'= 0.15379511 q = 1.2743098 AU P = 6.409 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 1978/ 780905 801 (3.2+ 5.1+) 780930 805 0.1- 1.5+ 780730 414 0.6+ 1.3+ 780905 415 (4.3+ 8.2+) 780930 805 0.3- 0.2- 780730 414 0.7+ 0.8+ 780905 323 1.4+ 1.0- 780930 805 0.2- 1.2- 780809 809 0.9+ 1.6- 780905 323 0.7+ 1.8- 781003 323 0.2+ 0.7+ 780810 675 (2.0+ 3.9-) 780906 801 (2.2+ 8.8+) 781007 805 0.2- 2.1+ 780811 323(44.0+ 84.1+) 780906 323 0.5- 1.3- 781007 805 0.4- 0.5+ 780902 801 (3.1+ 1.3-) 780908 801(10.2+ 2.1-) 781007 805 (3.7+ 0.7+) 780902 801 0.7+ 0.2- 780908 688 (5.0+ 2.2-) 781019 323 0.4- 1.9+ 780902 801 (3.2+ 1.0+) 780910 372(35.6- 62.8+)Y 781023 323 0.3+ 1.6- 780902 415 (2.7+ 1.5-) 780911 323 1.1- 1.5- 781027 323 0.3+ 1.1+ 780902 885 1.7+ 0.7+ 780911 323 (3.8+ 0.9-) 781029 805 1.9+ 0.2- 780902 885 1.6+ 0.7+ 780912 323 (3.1+ 2.4-) 781029 805 0.8+ 0.5+ 780902 391 (7.3- 0.2+) 780912 323 1.9- 0.5- 781029 805 0.9- 1.9- 780902 878 (1.1+ 2.9+)Y 780912 323 0.0 0.8+ 781029 372 (3.6- 4.7+) 780902 878 0.6- 1.2- 780912 323 1.2- 1.9+ 781030 805 1.5- 0.6- 780902 878 1.9- 1.1+ Y 780921 323 0.7- 1.2- 781030 805 1.8- 0.8+ 780902 391 (1.7+ 6.0-) 780922 323 1.2- 0.2+ 781030 805 0.8+ 0.3- 780902 323 0.3+ 1.7+ 780924 805 0.7+ 1.5- 781031 372 (5.9- 0.8+) 780902 323 0.2+ 1.4+ 780924 805 0.7+ 0.0 781104 805 1.3+ 2.1+ 780903 809 0.3- 1.2+ 780924 323 (2.0+ 5.9+) 781105 323 1.0+ 0.2+ 780903 801 0.1+ 1.7- 780925 323 1.3+ 1.5- 781108 372 (5.8- 0.3-)Y 780903 688 (3.1+ 0.6+) 780927 805 0.2- 1.1+ 781122 323 0.2+ 1.3- 780904 688 (3.4+ 0.2+) 780927 805 0.1- 0.6+ 781129 801 1.1- 1.8- 780904 323 1.1- 1.0- 780927 805 0.2- 0.4- 780904 323 0.3- 0.2- 780929 809(13.2- 2.2+) ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Director, Computing Section Syuichi Nakano 2001 Apr. 26

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