OAA computing section circular NK 957 C/2002 P1 (NEAT)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 68 observations 2002 June 24 to 2003 Aug. 1. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.80 arc second. Epoch = 2001 Nov. 27.0 TT T = 2001 Nov. 23.59678 +/- 0.03812 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 347.80078 +/- 0.00385 Node = 310.67269 +/- 0.00008 (2000.0) Inc. = 34.60228 +/- 0.00021 q = 6.5307757 +/- 0.0001594 AU e = 0.9844763 +/- 0.0000542 1/a = +0.0023770 +/- 0.0000083 1/AU origin = +0.002002 (Q= 7) future = +0.002280 The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2002/ 020810 848 0.9- 0.5+ 020826 644 0.5+ 0.5+ 020624 644 0.4- 0.6+ 020810 428 (2.1- 0.2-) 020826 644 0.6+ 0.1- 020624 644 0.7+ 0.7+ 020810 428 0.6- 0.1- 020905 360 0.2+ 0.3- 020624 644 0.1+ 0.9+ 020810 246 1.3+ 0.2+ 020905 360 0.3- 0.8- 020625 644 1.4+ 0.5- 020810 246 0.4- 0.7+ 020905 360 0.3- 1.0- 020625 644 0.2- 0.3+ 020810 246 0.5- 0.3+ 020906 213 0.9- 0.1+ 020625 644 0.5+ 0.8- 020810 246 0.9- 0.2- 020906 213 1.0+ 0.0 020625 644 0.5+ 1.1- 020810 246 0.8- 0.9+ 020907 213 1.6- 1.8- 020704 644 0.2+ 0.0 020810 246 0.2- 0.3- 021002 360 0.2+ 0.3- 020704 644 0.3+ 0.1- 020811 170 1.5- 0.6- 021002 360 0.7+ 0.5- 020704 644 0.7- 0.0 020811 170 0.1- 0.2- 021002 360 0.1- 0.1+ 020807 644 0.9+ 1.2+ 020811 170 1.1- 0.7- 021011 360 0.8+ 0.2+ 020807 644 0.4+ 1.1+ 020811 734 (2.7- 1.6-) 021011 360 0.6+ 0.2+ 020807 644 0.4+ 1.5+ 020811 734 0.1+ 0.3+ 021011 360 0.2+ 0.4- 020808 734 0.7- 0.4- 020811 428 (0.9+ 2.0-) 021106 360 0.1+ 0.1- 020808 734 1.2+ 0.8+ 020811 428 (0.6+ 2.3-) 021106 360 1.1+ 0.1+ 020808 699 1.3+ 0.5- 020813 428 1.9- 1.5- 021106 360 0.3+ 0.1- 020808 699 1.1+ 0.8- 020813 428 0.5- 0.9- 2003/ 020808 699 0.8+ 0.5- 020814 213 0.5- 0.4+ 030704 620 1.5- 1.2- 020808 699 0.8+ 0.3- 020814 213 1.8- 0.4+ 030704 620 0.2- 0.0 020809 474 0.6- 0.9+ 020814 213 0.1+ 1.2+ 030707 620 0.0 0.5+ 020809 474 1.0- 0.7+ 020814 213 1.9- 0.9- 030707 620 0.2+ 0.4+ 020809 474 0.8+ 1.4+ 020814 204 0.1+ 0.4- 030707 620 0.3- 0.8+ 020809 474 1.8+ 1.6+ 020815 204 0.9- 1.7- 030707 620 0.2- 0.5+ 020810 848 (2.3- 0.4+) 020826 644 1.2+ 0.6- 030801 204 1.4+ 0.3- ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Director, Computing Section Syuichi Nakano 2003 Aug. 13

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