** As mentioned on HICQ 2006 (p.65), comet was only observed on three nights.**

** and confirmation by only one night.  So that orbit is high uncertain.     **

    C/2005 J2 (Catalina)

Epoch 2005 Apr. 20.0 TT = JDT 2453480.5  

T 2005 Apr. 5.01471 TT                                  Nakano

q   4.2884795            (2000.0)            P               Q

z  -0.0001675      Peri.  199.74958     -0.94829970     -0.16949429

 +/-0.0003010      Node    33.35859     -0.18321208     +0.98270955

e   1.0007182      Incl.  150.79236     -0.25915440     -0.07452265

From 60 observations 2005 May 12-2006 Jan. 1, mean residual 0".74.

   (1/a)org.= +0.000458, (1/a)fut.= +0.000543 (+/-0.000301), Q= 5.

Residuals in seconds of arc 

2005/                     050513 854  0.2-  1.0+    050514 651 (2.3+  1.0+) 

050512 703  0.4+  1.0-    050513 854 (2.5+  1.4-)   050514 651  0.7+  0.2+  

050512 703  1.0+  0.3-    050513 673  0.2-  0.0     050514 G96  1.0-  0.1-  

050512 703 (2.4+  0.3+)   050513 673  1.2-  0.6-    050514 G96  1.2-  0.4-  

050512 703  1.1+  1.2-    050513 673  0.3-  0.4-    050514 G96  0.8-  0.5-  

050512 703  0.7+  0.0     050513 673  0.3+  0.1-    050514 G96  0.4-  0.5-  

050512 703  1.7-  1.6+    050514 448  1.1+  0.6-    050515 673  1.0-  0.3+  

050512 703  0.5-  0.5+    050514 703  0.5+  0.9+    050515 673  0.1+  0.5+  

050512 703  0.5+  1.4+    050514 448  0.7+  0.6+    050515 673  0.5-  0.2+  

050512 461  0.7+  0.0     050514 703 (1.2-  2.1-)   050515 673  0.1-  0.3+  

050512 461  0.2-  0.0     050514 448  0.8+  0.3-    050515 474  0.4+  0.7-  

050512 599  0.1+  1.3-    050514 G96  0.3-  0.2-    050515 474  0.3-  0.4+  

050512 599  0.2+  0.1-    050514 703  2.0-  1.7-    050515 474  0.1+  0.0   

050512 599  0.6-  1.1-    050514 G96  0.1+  0.0     050515 474  0.3+  0.4-  

050512 599  0.0   0.6+    050514 703  1.0-  2.0+    2006/                   

050512 807  0.7-  0.1-    050514 G96  0.2+  0.0     060101 568  0.1+  0.0   

050512 807  0.9-  0.1-    050514 703  0.7+  0.8-    060101 568  0.0   0.1-  

050512 807  0.8-  0.5-    050514 G90  0.8+  0.9+    060101 568  0.0   0.0   

050512 807  0.8-  1.0-    050514 G96  0.6+  0.5-    060101 568  0.1-  0.0   

050513 703 (2.4+  0.5-)   050514 G90  0.5+  0.1-    060101 568  0.0   0.1+  

050513 703  1.1-  1.4+    050514 703  2.0+  0.4+    060101 568  0.0   0.0   

050513 703  0.8+  0.9+    050514 G90  0.8+  0.1-                            

050513 703  1.2+  1.2+    050514 703  0.4+  0.3-                            


         **** Don't distribute anyone except personal use only ****

                (C) Copyright 2006 OAA/ComputingSection

write mail from CFAD0::NAKANO on 2006-02-06 06:49:21(JST).


    C/2005 J2 (Catalina)                                                  

T 2005 Apr. 9.49056 TT                                  Nakano

q   4.2937523            (2000.0)            P               Q

                   Peri.  200.47492     -0.95034643     -0.15769819

                   Node    33.36893     -0.17091201     +0.98493041

e   1.0            Incl.  150.80701     -0.26005913     -0.07101664

From 52 observations 2005 May 12-15.


         **** Don't distribute anyone except personal use only ****

                (C) Copyright 2005 OAA/ComputingSection

write mail from CFAD0::NAKANO on 2005-06-05 05:59:11(JST).

