OAA computing section circular NK 1285 P/2000 QJ46 (LINEAR)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 27 observations 2000 Aug. 24 to Nov. 19. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.80 arc second. Epoch = 2000 Dec. 2.0 TT T = 2000 Dec. 10.34318 +/- 0.01484 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 222.95754 +/- 0.00885 Node = 158.24400 +/- 0.00035 (2000.0) Inc. = 4.37593 +/- 0.00020 q = 1.9336956 +/- 0.0000767 AU e = 0.6728743 +/- 0.0001422 a = 5.9111702 +/- 0.0004366 AU n' = 0.06857943 +/- 0.00000760 P = 14.372 +/- 0.0015923 years (+/- 0.58 day) The predicted orbit for the 2014 return is as follows: T = 2014 Dec. 22.57402 TT Epoch = 2014 Dec. 9.0 TT Peri. = 222.15938 e = 0.6744336 Node = 158.08928 (2000.0) a = 5.8024377 AU Inc. = 4.42625 n'= 0.07051611 q = 1.8890789 AU P = 13.977 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2000/ 000829 704 0.8- 0.2- 000924 704 0.7- 0.6+ 000824 704 0.0 1.5+ 000903 645 0.1+ 0.3- 000924 704 0.2- 0.7+ 000824 704 0.2+ 0.6+ 000904 645 0.1- 0.3- 000924 704 0.4+ 0.4- 000824 704 0.7+ 0.5+ 000905 704 1.2+ 0.4- 000924 704 0.8- 0.4- 000824 704 0.7+ 0.3- 000905 704 0.4+ 0.7+ 001119 699 2.4- 1.3- 000824 704 0.2- 1.0- 000905 704 0.7- 0.2+ 001119 699 1.5+ 1.1- 000829 704 0.0 0.1- 000923 699 0.1+ 0.1+ 001119 699 1.2- 1.9+ 000829 704 0.7- 0.1- 000923 699 0.8+ 0.0 001119 699 2.2+ 0.4+ 000829 704 0.7- 0.5- 000923 699 0.3+ 0.1- 000829 704 0.0 0.8- 000923 699 0.1+ 0.1+ ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Director, Computing Section Syuichi Nakano 2005 Oct. 30

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