OAA computing section circular NK 1539 192P/Shoemaker-Levy 1 (1990 V1 = 2007 T3) [Number is temporary]

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 47 observations 1990 to 2007. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.86 arc second. See an orbit in NK 1060 (HICQ 2007). Epoch = 2007 Dec. 6.0 TT T = 2007 Dec. 17.33873 +/- 0.00230 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 312.84457 +/- 0.00040 Node = 51.65014 +/- 0.00007 (2000.0) Inc. = 24.56127 +/- 0.00013 q = 1.4600771 +/- 0.0000116 AU e = 0.7735882 +/- 0.0000011 a = 6.4487668 +/- 0.0000093 AU n' = 0.06018511 +/- 0.00000013 P = 16.376 +/- 0.0000355 years T = 1990 Sept.18.59263 TT Epoch = 1990 Sept.26.0 TT Peri. = 310.62298 e = 0.7719486 Node = 52.04429 (2000.0) a = 6.6830591 AU Inc. = 24.33365 n'= 0.05704809 q = 1.5240812 AU P = 17.277 years The predicted orbit for the 2024 return is as follows: T = 2024 May 24.41443 TT Epoch = 2024 May 10.0 TT Peri. = 313.09107 e = 0.7733037 Node = 51.61230 (2000.0) a = 6.4603053 AU Inc. = 24.58943 n'= 0.06002394 q = 1.4645273 AU P = 16.420 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 1990/ 901120 494 0.1- 0.9+ 901215 801 0.4- 0.2- 901024 897 2.4+ 0.9- Y 901120 984 0.5+ 0.4+ 1991/ 901110 897 (4.6+ 4.2-)Y 901120 801 0.5+ 0.3+ 910105 540(11.3- 11.1-) 901110 897 1.7- 2.0- Y 901120 801 0.6- 0.4- 910105 540 (1.4- 3.9-) 901115 675 0.9- 0.2+ 901121 897 1.5- 0.9+ 910118 801 0.6+ 0.6- 901116 675 (0.2- 2.5-) 901121 897 (2.0+ 2.8+) 910118 801 0.6+ 0.2- 901116 675 0.7- 1.4- 901121 372 0.1- 0.3- 2007/ 901117 801 0.4- 0.9+ 901123 897 1.6+ 0.6- 071012 E12 0.6- 0.8+ 901117 801 0.2- 0.9+ 901123 897 1.2- 1.6+ 071012 E12 0.6+ 0.5- 901117 801 0.1- 0.9+ 901206 372 0.4+ 0.0 071012 E12 1.0- 0.6+ 901117 675 2.0- 0.5- 901206 372 0.9- 2.1- 071012 E12 0.4+ 0.0 901117 402 (0.6+ 2.9+) 901206 373 0.5+ 0.5+ 071012 E12 0.1+ 0.2- 901117 402 1.4+ 0.8+ 901206 373 1.2- 0.6+ 071013 E12 0.5- 0.2+ 901118 657 1.2+ 1.5- 901206 046 (2.7+ 7.1+) 071014 423 0.1+ 0.1- 901118 373 0.7+ 0.4+ 901206 046 (1.0+ 10.8+) 071014 423 0.9+ 0.4- 901118 373 0.2- 1.1+ 901207 046 (2.6- 1.3-) 071014 415 0.4+ 0.1+ 901118 372 0.6+ 1.3+ 901207 046 0.3- 1.5- 071014 415 0.7- 0.3+ 901118 372 2.2+ 0.2+ 901208 046 (0.7+ 5.0+) 071014 423 0.9+ 0.1+ 901120 801 0.0 1.0- 901208 046 (3.0+ 5.5+) 071015 423 0.4+ 0.2+ 901120 801 0.0 0.5+ 901214 801 0.6- 0.2+ 071015 423 0.7- 0.2- 901120 657 (1.7+ 4.1-) 901214 801 0.2- 0.1+ ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Director, Computing Section Syuichi Nakano 2007 Oct. 18

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