Nakano Note (Nakano wa Kangaeru noda) NK 2351 C/2012 A1 (PANSTARRS)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 135 observations 2012 Jan. 2 to Sept. 15. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.49 arc second. The comet will pass 2.53 AU from Jupiter on 2013 Aug. 28 UT. See an orbit in HICQ 2012. Epoch = 2013 Dec. 14.0 TT T = 2013 Dec. 2.15711 +/- 0.03931 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 191.93004 +/- 0.00349 Node = 277.97189 +/- 0.00016 (2000.0) Inc. = 120.90934 +/- 0.00024 q = 7.6028476 +/- 0.0001906 AU e = 1.0016866 +/- 0.0000493 1/a = -0.0002218 +/- 0.0000065 1/AU origin = +0.000066 (Q= 7) future = +0.000142 The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2012/ 120122 213 0.3+ 0.3- 120218 J24 1.3+ 0.4- 120102 F51 0.2- 0.1+ 120122 213 0.4+ 0.4- 120218 J24 0.5- 0.3+ 120102 F51 0.1- 0.1+ 120123 372 0.7- 0.3- 120218 J24 0.1+ 0.3- 120102 F51 0.0 0.2+ 120123 372 0.5- 0.4+ 120219 349 0.1- 0.3- 120102 F51 0.2- 0.1+ 120125 372 0.4- 0.1+ 120219 349 0.5+ 0.2+ 120103 291 0.7- 0.2- 120125 372 0.5+ 0.3+ 120219 958 1.2- 0.8- 120103 291 0.5- 0.1- 120125 372 0.2- 0.4+ 120219 958 0.3+ 0.6- 120103 291 0.2- 0.0 120125 118 0.2+ 0.4- 120219 958 (2.8- 2.9-) 120104 I89 0.2+ 0.1- 120125 118 0.2+ 0.1+ 120220 372 (2.1- 0.0 ) 120104 I89 0.0 0.1+ 120125 349 0.5+ 0.2+ 120220 372 (2.1- 0.1-) 120104 I89 0.1+ 0.4+ 120125 118 1.1+ 0.3- 120220 958 (2.1- 1.5+) 120104 291 0.4+ 0.3- 120125 118 0.9+ 0.7+ 120220 958 (1.0+ 2.3-) 120104 291 0.5+ 0.2- 120125 349 0.1+ 0.5- 120221 130 0.9+ 0.4+ 120104 291 0.3+ 0.3+ 120125 118 0.0 0.5- 120221 130 0.1- 0.5- 120105 I89 0.1+ 0.1+ 120126 372 0.9- 0.0 120221 130 0.3+ 0.7- 120105 I89 0.1+ 0.0 120126 372 0.9- 0.2+ 120221 958 1.0- 1.9+ 120105 I89 0.0 0.2- 120126 372 0.7- 0.2+ 120221 958 0.9+ 0.9- 120105 H21 0.1+ 0.0 120126 372 1.0- 0.2+ 120221 204 0.2- 0.4- 120105 H21 0.0 0.3- 120126 215 0.3+ 0.7- 120221 958 (2.6- 1.0-) 120105 H21 0.0 0.3- 120126 215 0.0 0.6- 120221 204 0.1- 0.2- 120105 H36 0.7+ 0.3- 120126 215 0.0 0.5- 120222 204 0.2- 0.3- 120105 H36 0.4+ 0.2- 120127 561 0.8+ 0.2- 120311 C32 0.3- 0.4- 120105 291 0.2- 0.6+ 120127 561 1.1+ 0.4+ 120311 C32 0.4- 0.2- 120105 H36 0.6+ 0.1- 120127 561 0.1+ 0.2- 120311 C32 0.6+ 0.2+ 120105 291 0.1- 0.2+ 120127 561 1.4+ 0.2- 120320 B82 0.3- 0.1- 120105 291 0.2- 0.3- 120127 561 1.2+ 0.1+ 120320 B82 0.5- 0.0 120105 F65 0.3- 0.0 120127 561 0.7+ 0.3+ 120320 B82 0.4- 0.3- 120105 F65 0.1- 0.0 120127 561 0.7+ 0.2+ 120322 B82 0.2- 0.1+ 120105 F65 0.4- 0.3- 120127 561 1.7+ 0.2+ 120322 B82 0.3- 0.2+ 120105 300 1.1+ 0.4+ 120130 850 1.3+ 0.1+ 120322 B82 0.2- 0.3+ 120105 300 0.0 0.2+ 120130 850 1.2+ 0.4+ 120324 372 0.2+ 0.1- 120105 300 0.4+ 0.3- 120130 850 0.1+ 1.2+ 120324 372 0.2+ 0.1- 120105 300 0.7+ 0.6+ 120130 703 1.3- 1.1+ 120325 372 0.5- 0.3+ 120105 J95 0.1+ 0.3+ 120130 703 0.7+ 0.1+ 120325 372 1.0- 0.2+ 120105 J95 0.4- 0.2- 120130 703 0.6- 0.3- 120325 372 0.5- 0.3+ 120105 J95 0.3+ 0.0 120130 703 0.7+ 0.7- 120325 B82 0.5- 0.1- 120106 F51 0.2- 0.2+ 120130 372 0.0 0.4+ 120325 B82 0.3+ 0.1+ 120106 F51 0.2- 0.2- 120130 372 0.5- 0.2- 120325 B82 0.6- 0.8- 120114 H06 0.4+ 0.5- 120201 372 0.9- 0.1- 120326 B82 0.6+ 0.3+ 120114 H06 0.5+ 0.3- 120201 372 0.2+ 0.1+ 120326 B82 0.1- 0.0 120114 H06 0.3+ 0.2- 120210 B42 0.0 0.1- 120326 B82 0.3+ 0.7- 120114 372 0.0 0.0 120210 B42 0.2- 0.1- 120425 C32 0.4- 0.1+ 120114 372 0.3- 0.0 120210 B42 0.1- 1.6- 120425 C32 0.4- 0.2+ 120114 372 0.2+ 0.7- 120212 C32 0.0 0.8+ 120425 C32 0.0 0.1+ 120117 213 0.3+ 0.7+ 120212 C32 0.4+ 0.5+ 120915 H06 0.0 0.1+ 120118 213 0.2+ 0.3+ 120217 958 (2.6- 1.1-) 120915 H06 0.2+ 0.2+ 120118 213 0.5- 0.1- 120217 958 0.3+ 0.9- 120915 H06 0.3+ 0.4+ 120122 213 0.2- 0.0 120217 958 0.1- 0.7- ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Associate of Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Syuichi Nakano 2012 Oct. 15

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