Nakano Note (Nakano wa Kangaeru noda) NK 4285 P/2017 S9 (PANSTARRS)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 38 observations 2017 Sept. 19 to Oct. 22. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.41 arc second. See an orbit in HICQ 2018. Epoch = 2017 July 26.0 TT T = 2017 July 23.62610 +/- 0.02668 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 237.92352 +/- 0.01367 Node = 146.21507 +/- 0.00417 (2000.0) Inc. = 14.13802 +/- 0.00030 q = 2.1952746 +/- 0.0000491 AU e = 0.3043873 +/- 0.0001479 a = 3.1558861 +/- 0.0006746 AU n' = 0.17580130 +/- 0.00005637 P = 5.606 +/- 0.0017976 years (+/- 0.66 day) The predicted orbit for the 2023 return is as follows: T = 2023 Feb. 26.12512 TT Epoch = 2023 Feb. 25.0 TT Peri. = 237.55876 e = 0.3055180 Node = 146.21038 (2000.0) a = 3.1559468 AU Inc. = 14.13824 n'= 0.17579623 q = 2.1917483 AU P = 5.607 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2017/ 171001 U69 0.0 0.1+ 171017 K88 0.1- 0.1- 170919 F51 0.0 0.0 171013 291 0.0 0.1- 171017 691 1.6- 0.1+ 170919 F51 0.3- 0.1- 171013 291 0.3- 0.3- 171017 691 0.7- 0.2- 170919 F51 0.1- 0.3- 171013 291 0.3- 0.4- 171017 691 0.3- 0.3+ 170919 F51 0.0 0.2+ 171014 691 0.4- 0.1- 171018 K88 0.2- 0.2+ 170930 F51 0.0 0.1- 171014 691 0.3- 0.8+ 171018 K88 0.0 0.2+ 170930 F51 0.0 0.0 171015 K88 0.1- 0.3+ 171021 291 0.7- 0.6+ 170930 F51 0.1- 0.1+ 171015 K88 0.2- 0.3+ 171021 291 (2.3- 0.1+) 170930 F51 0.2+ 0.0 171015 691 0.8- 1.0+ 171021 291 0.1- 0.6+ 170930 F51 0.2+ 0.1- 171015 691 1.1- 0.1- 171022 568 0.2+ 0.1- 170930 F51 0.2+ 0.0 171015 691 1.4- 0.8+ 171022 568 0.2+ 0.1- 170930 F51 0.3+ 0.1+ 171016 K88 0.0 0.4+ 171022 568 0.2+ 0.1- 170930 F51 0.0 0.0 171016 K88 0.4- 0.4+ 171001 U69 0.1+ 0.3+ 171017 K88 0.3- 0.2+ ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Associate of the CBAT Syuichi Nakano 2021 May 18

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