Nakano Note (Nakano wa Kangaeru noda) NK 5007 P/PANSTARRS (2014 OL465)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 82 observations 2012 to 2023. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 0.41 arc seconds. See an orbit in CBET 5262 (same orbit). Epoch = 2023 Feb. 25.0 TT T = 2023 Feb. 28.23180 +/- 0.00060 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 267.70558 +/- 0.00011 Node = 309.59561 +/- 0.00005 (2000.0) Inc. = 21.66341 +/- 0.00001 q = 3.3725326 +/- 0.0000007 AU e = 0.2807524 +/- 0.0000001 a = 4.6889733 +/- 0.0000013 AU n' = 0.09707054 +/- 0.00000004 P = 10.154 +/- 0.0000042 years T = 2012 Dec. 29.13025 TT Epoch = 2012 Dec. 19.0 TT Peri. = 267.52913 e = 0.2811155 Node = 309.73434 (2000.0) a = 4.6857947 AU Inc. = 21.66903 n'= 0.09716933 q = 3.3685450 AU P = 10.143 years The predicted orbit for the 2033 return is as follows: T = 2033 Apr. 15.81870 TT Epoch = 2033 May 3.0 TT Peri. = 268.03621 e = 0.2820351 Node = 309.41002 (2000.0) a = 4.6648952 AU Inc. = 21.69133 n'= 0.09782306 q = 3.3492309 AU P = 10.075 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 2012/ 220226 F52 0.2- 0.1- 230401 W68 0.4- 0.6+ 120321 F51 0.0 0.2- 220311 F52 0.2- 0.1- 230401 W68 0.1+ 0.6+ 120321 F51 0.2+ 0.1+ 220311 F52 0.0 0.0 230401 W68 0.5+ 0.4- 120321 F51 0.1- 0.1- 220311 F52 0.0 0.0 230401 W68 0.2+ 0.3+ 2014/ 2023/ 230407 W68 0.5+ 1.3- 140725 F51 0.1+ 0.1- 230201 M22 1.2- 0.2+ 230407 W68 0.2- 0.6- 140725 F51 0.1+ 0.1- 230201 M22 0.9- 0.0 230407 W68 0.6+ 0.3- 140725 F51 0.0 0.0 230201 M22 1.8- 0.1+ 230407 W68 0.2+ 1.3- 140727 F51 0.3- 0.1- 230201 M22 0.2+ 0.4+ 230413 W68 0.2+ 0.3- 140727 F51 0.1- 0.2- 230201 W68 0.1+ 0.3+ 230413 W68 0.5+ 0.4- 140727 F51 0.1+ 0.5- 230201 W68 0.7- 0.5+ 230413 W68 0.4+ 0.6- 140727 F51 0.0 0.0 230201 W68 0.9- 0.0 230413 W68 0.4+ 0.2- 140730 F51 0.3+ 0.0 230201 W68 0.2+ 0.5+ 230426 M22 0.6+ 0.4- 140730 F51 0.2+ 0.1- 230203 M28 0.7- 0.3+ 230426 M22 0.6+ 0.3- 140730 F51 0.0 0.0 230203 M28 0.8- 0.5+ 230427 M22 0.1+ 0.2+ 140730 F51 0.1- 0.0 230203 W68 0.6- 1.0+ 230427 M22 0.0 0.1- 140803 F51 0.3+ 0.2- 230203 W68 0.0 0.2+ 230427 M22 0.5+ 0.1+ 140803 F51 0.2+ 0.0 230203 W68 0.0 0.1- 230427 M22 0.2+ 0.2+ 140803 F51 0.2- 0.2- 230203 W68 0.4+ 0.3- 230508 M22 0.5- 0.8+ 2022/ 230205 M28 0.2+ 0.5+ 230508 M22 0.4- 1.1+ 220109 F52 0.1+ 0.1+ 230205 M28 0.2- 0.3- 230508 M22 0.5+ 0.4- 220109 F52 0.1+ 0.2- 230315 M22 0.0 0.5- 230508 M22 0.1- 0.4+ 220109 F52 0.1+ 0.1- 230315 M22 0.2- 0.7- 230517 M22 1.0+ 0.2+ 220128 F52 0.0 0.1- 230315 M22 0.0 0.1+ 230517 M22 0.2+ 0.5+ 220128 F52 0.1- 0.1+ 230315 M22 0.7- 0.8+ 230517 M22 0.2+ 0.7+ 220128 F52 0.1- 0.2- 230321 W68 0.4- 0.1- 230517 M22 0.0 0.0 220226 F52 0.2- 0.3- 230321 W68 0.1- 0.2- 230519 X07 0.2+ 0.2- 220226 F52 0.1- 0.3- 230321 W68 0.1- 0.0 230519 X07 0.0 0.4- 220226 F52 0.1- 0.1- 230321 W68 0.1+ 0.1+ ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Associate of the CBAT Syuichi Nakano 2023 May 20

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