OAA computing section circular NK 944 P/1991 V1 (Shoemaker-Levy 6)

The following improved orbital elements, by S. Nakano, are from 38 observations 1991 Nov. 3 to 1992 Jan. 8. Perturbations by Mercury to Neptune and three minor planets, Ceres, Pallas and Vesta, were taken into account. The mean residual is +/- 1.23 arc seconds. See an orbit in NK 635. Epoch = 1991 Oct. 31.0 TT T = 1991 Oct. 13.85854 +/- 0.00110 (m.e.) TT Peri. = 333.12746 +/- 0.00110 Node = 37.93302 +/- 0.00055 (2000.0) Inc. = 16.85477 +/- 0.00092 q = 1.1323463 +/- 0.0000149 AU e = 0.7056361 +/- 0.0000867 a = 3.8467562 +/- 0.0002950 AU n' = 0.13063576 +/- 0.00001503 P = 7.545 +/- 0.0008679 years (+/- 0.32 day) The predicted orbit for the 2006 return is as follows: Previous version in NK 635 gives T= 2006 Nov. 19.81 TT as the 2006 prediction. T = 2006 Nov. 17.01738 TT Epoch = 2006 Nov. 1.0 TT Peri. = 333.54059 e = 0.7062575 Node = 37.87628 (2000.0) a = 3.8403834 AU Inc. = 16.92237 n'= 0.13096107 q = 1.1280837 AU P = 7.526 years The following residuals in seconds of arc are from the above orbital elements: Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") Date Code Residual(") 1991/ 911112 897 (1.8+ 3.0+) 911128 657 0.7+ 0.2- 911103 675 (3.0- 7.3+) 911112 897 (3.7- 0.9-) 911129 540 0.3- 0.8+ 911103 675 1.6+ 0.6- 911113 675 0.2+ 0.9+ 911129 056 (6.0- 2.4+) 911103 675 (0.7+ 6.2+) 911113 411 (1.0+ 3.4+) 911129 540 1.9- 2.4- 911103 675 (2.8- 4.5-) 911113 372 1.2- 1.8- 911129 056 (0.5- 5.7-) 911106 675 (0.9- 4.7+) 911113 372 0.2- 0.9- 911201 104 1.5- 0.8- 911106 675 (2.0- 4.4-) 911113 411 0.1+ 0.1- 911201 104 0.9+ 2.0+ 911106 675 (1.2+ 7.1+) 911125 372 (7.2+ 2.8+) 911203 056 (1.3+ 7.2+) 911106 675 2.4- 1.2- 911125 411 1.4+ 1.5- 911203 104 1.1- 0.5+ 911107 675 1.3+ 0.6+ 911125 411 1.5- 0.7- 911203 104 (2.6- 4.8-) 911107 675 1.0+ 0.3+ 911125 411 2.0+ 0.7+ 911204 372 1.4- 1.3+ 911109 675 0.5- 0.5+ 911125 411 1.0+ 0.1- 911209 411 0.3- 2.2+ 911109 675 0.0 1.5+ 911125 411 1.4+ 2.1- 911209 411 1.1+ 0.2- 911110 675 0.2+ 0.7+ 911126 046 (6.7- 9.5+) 911209 411 1.1+ 0.9- 911110 675 (3.1- 7.4-) 911126 046 (4.6- 0.0 ) 911209 372 1.6- 0.9- 911111 373 0.2- 0.6+ 911127 056 (3.8+ 5.4-) 911209 372 1.4- 1.6- 911111 373 1.0- 2.1+ 911127 046 (3.6- 4.6-) 911213 372 1.3+ 0.6- 911111 896 (1.6- 7.5+) 911127 046 (7.5- 4.6-) 1992/ 911111 896 0.0 1.2- 911127 056 (7.1+ 8.9+) 920108 801 0.0 0.2+ 911112 402 1.2- 1.7- 911127 104 1.3- 2.2+ 920108 801 0.0 0.1- 911112 402 (4.5+ 3.5+) 911127 104 2.5+ 2.3+ 911112 897 (3.9+ 3.0-) 911128 657 1.2+ 0.1- ( ) -------- Rejected Obs.

Director, Computing Section Recalculation for NK 635 Syuichi Nakano 2003 Apr. 21

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