Yamamoto Circular

The following Yamamoto Circluars edited by Syuichi Nakano, will be available one month later after publications. Ask about printed version to yc@oaa.gr.jp or pay 130 yen / one circular to postal order No. 00980-8-189107 (東亜天文学会速報部). Yamamoto Circular is written in Japanese. If your WebExplorer or Netscape has a multi-language option, please set it when reading that file. If your WebExplorer or Netscape has a multi-language option, please set it when reading that file. If you have a MicroSoft Word, execute it on Internet Explorer directly and set printing form. Then you will see an almost original copy of YC. Note the all YC after YC2585 will be provided on PDF file.

Internet Explorer上で,MicroSoft Wordを起動して,表示→印刷レイアウトを 指定すると,ほぼ,オリジナルの山本速報が見られます.その際は,2ペ−ジ目の上 にあるブランク行(2行)を省くと,B4サイズに収まります.プリントするときは, B4に2ペ−ジを指定してください.なお,多少の装飾記号の位置を直してください. なお,YC 2585以後は,PDFファイルに置き換えました.

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